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❀ HadaaNiaa ❀: Mac 2012

FREEBIES: Assalamualaikum & Hello Sunshine !

Hey peeps hr ni ain de wat freebies baru ntuk kowg.sowy ain taip mcm ape ntah.nk cepat sbb da penat sgt da ni..hehehhe kalau da amek tu jgn lupe credit ye..


Sental lah sikit button LIKE tu . Kalau Artis korang laju je~ *perli*

FREEBIES: Welcome To My Blog ( Click Here To Enter)

Hey peeps..how are u ? eceh speaking plak i niy.. hehehe sebenarnye ari ni ain hepi coz dapat download GIMP..bhahahha plek bukan ? hahahah tak lah ! sebenarnye ain ade siap kan satu freebies.setelah lame berdiam.ni dia..da siap..tadaaaaaaaaaaa~ ehh-2 alo ~ tade doodle yg ain buat sendiri lah..sury k ? ain da try buat td.tp bwok nak mamfuzz ! k la..meyh sini tngk freebie ain..

Semua telah di transparent-kan.so korang tak yah susah-2 nk download gimp/photoshop semata-mata nk transparentkan bende ni.hah bende ni untuk ape kak/dek ? kalau x tahu.kite KLIK SINI !




Kalau da amek tu pandai-2 la komen untuk credit kt ain k ?? bubye !

Sental lah sikit button LIKE tu . Kalau Artis korang laju je~ *perli*

TUTORIAL: Welcome To My Blog !


1. Log in > Dashboard > Design > Edit Html > Tick Expand Widget Templates

2. Tekan Ctrl F serentak , cari kod ini :


3. Dah jumpa ? Masukkan kod ini di atas kod yang korang carikan tadi : 

class="tr_bq" style="font-family: inherit;">
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
/* toggle() checks to see if the images has already been faded
or not and sends the appropriate variables to opacity(); */
function toggle(el,milli) {
// Get the opacity style parameter from the image
var currOpacity = document.getElementById(el).style.opacity;
if(currOpacity != 0) { // if not faded
fade(el, milli, 100, 0);
} else { // else the images is already faded
fade(el, milli, 0, 100);
/* changeOpacity() uses three different opacity settings to
achieve a cross-browser opacity changing function. This
function can also be used to directly change the opacity
of an element. */
function changeOpacity(el,opacity) {
var image = document.getElementById(el);
// For Mozilla
image.style.MozOpacity = (opacity / 100);
// For IE
image.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + opacity + ")";
// For others
image.style.opacity = (opacity / 100);
/* fade() will fade the image in or out based on the starting
and ending opacity settings. The speed of the fade is
determined by the variable milli (total time of the fade
in milliseconds)*/
function fade(el,milli,start,end) {
var fadeTime = Math.round(milli/100);
var i = 0; // Fade Timer
// Fade in
if(start < end) {
for(j = start; j <= end; j++) {
// define the expression to be called in setTimeout()
var expr = "changeOpacity('" + el + "'," + j + ")";
var timeout = i * fadeTime;
// setTimeout will call 'expr' after 'timeout' milliseconds
// Fade out
else if(start > end) {
for(j = start; j >= end; j--) {
var expr = "changeOpacity('" + el + "'," + j + ")";
var timeout = i * fadeTime;
<div class="input" onClick="javascript:toggle('wise', 3000); this.style.display='none';
<center><img src="URL IMAGE"
<div id="wise" style="filter : alpha(opacity=0); -moz-opacity : 0; opacity : 0;">
<div id="june" style="display : none;">

4. Masukkan URL IMAGE YANG  dekat warna purple di atas .

5. Lepas dah siap SAVE akan keluar KEEP WIDGET or DELETE WIDGET .
Korangg "tekan" DELETE WIDGET ok ??? 

Sental lah sikit button LIKE tu . Kalau Artis korang laju je~ *perli*



Kenapa blog saya perlu di kritik ? hehehhe kerana saya niy tak pandai edit blog.so kalau ade yang tak sesusai bg tahu la yea ? Header sy pun.kalau buruk , jangan segan silu untuk kritik ok.huh lg satu.lagu dlm blog saya ni..jgn lupe kritik ok ? :)

Sental lah sikit button LIKE tu . Kalau Artis korang laju je~ *perli*