heyy you ! you ! and you !
Err aku gedik seyh ! kau ade ? Hahaha oke-2 joke*
Ok , nak tanya sikit sebelum mule tutorial niy..Blog ain dha berwajah baru.So , oke ta ?
ok la..lets the tuto ! senyum sikit :)
Underline Hover ✔
Blockquote Hover ✔
Link Hover ✔
Bold Hover ☐
Ok ta de Bold Hover ke ? Nanti ain ajarkan ok :)
Bold Hover tu macam mane ?
macam ni > ABCDE <
Mula-2 sign in blog korang..
Dashboard >> Design >> Edit HTML >> Tick Expend Widjet Templet
- Carik kod /* Header
- Copy kod di bawah:
b {
color: #c0c0c0;
b:hover {
color: #a7a7a7;
border-bottom: 2px dotted #F6CED8;
- Paste kan diatas kod /* Header td
#c0c0c0 : warna bold yang korang nk.
#a7a7a7 : warna hover bold bila cursor sentuh.
2 : semakin besar nombor ni, semakin tebal line bold hover.
dotted : boleh tukar kepada solid,dashed, atau dotted.
#F6CED8 : warna line bold hover.
Carik kaler dekat sini ok..
kalau ta faham tanye k..Ain takut korg buat ta jadi :)
2 0 Comment:
Menarik. Bgus tutorial nih!
@Picoz Shupalula.hehehe :')
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